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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I retrieve a form that I've saved?

  • You will be returned to the form the next time you log in.

How do I save more than one form?

  • At this time you can only save one version of each of the four forms.  We are working on a process for saving multiple forms.

How do I know which chair or dean to select for a crosslisted course?

  • The  best option is to contact the other department and ask for the name of the appropriate person(s).

How do I know if my submission has been received?

  • You will receive a confirmation email once you submit the electronic form. The proposal will not be added to the Catalog Subcommittee agenda until the confirmation emails are received from the chair and dean. If those emails not received after one reminder email has been sent, you will be notified by email that your proposal is being returned.

Is changing the requirements for an academic minor a major or minor requirement?

  • All requirement changes are major requirements.

How do I change the name for a special topics course?

  • Special topics courses are named by section by your departmental scheduler. They do not require a curricular change form.

The form won't allow me to enter the credits I want.

  • If your course has a lab, studio, or ensemble component, you are only allowed to enter the number of hours that correspond to a credit. Information on credits found in Rule 27 of the catalog. If the course is straight lecture, you must select no non-lecture component.



Registrar Curriculum